500 Framework Release Notes
Release notes specific to the 500 Framework theme
- (Fix) PHP warning with empty currency code property
- Changed files: functions.php, style-fat.css, and style.css
- (Fix) Fix parameters for social sharing hook to make it more flexible
- Changed files: project-hDeck.php, project-hDeck-home.php, style.css, and style-fat
- Add
hook to enable social sharing on frontend project page - Changed files: project-hDeck.php, project-hDeck-home.php, style.css, and style-fat.css
- (Fix) Antivirus/Firewall utilities were blocking scripts for generating share links so replaced with links and images for more reliable sharing
- Changed files: project-social.php, style.css, and style-fat.css
- Removed deprecated Google Analytics integration
- Changed files: templates/admin/_themeSettings.php, functions.php, style-fat.css, and style.css
- (Fix) Social sharing icons broken
- Changed files: project-social.php, style.css, and style-fat.css
- (Fix) Check if array key exists error with PHP 8
- Changed files: front-page.php, loop-project.php,style.css, and style-fat.css
- (Fix) Added parenthesis to ternary operator for PHP 8 compatibility
- Changed files: functions.php, style-fat.css, and style.css
- (Fix) Drop navigation issues with latest WP
- Changed files: js/fivehundred-min.js, js/fivehundred.js, style-fat.css, and style.css
- Fix: responsiveness of video embeds on pages and posts
- Fix: deprecated jquery events
- Changed files: js/fivehundred-admin-min.js, js/fivehundred-admin.js, js/fivehundred-min.js, js/fivehundred.js, and style.css
- Fix: PHP Warning on add_menu_page function — removed invalid parameter.
- Update: Language files.
- Fix: Ensure WP Media scripts are loaded in 500 admin menu, which fixes issue with add logo button
- Improvement: New menu setting to add create project button in site description, which when active, will hide it on the my projects menu
- Fix: Update price and goal related filters to use no_format = true and use $project_summary class for all vars
- Improvement: Add Instagram to social footer, re-arrange home social icons to footer, and update markup/CSS to use icon format instead of ::after CSS specs
- Improvement: Make footer link nofollow
- Fix: Date sorting issues in project grid have been resolved
- Improvement: Minify CSS and javascript
- Improvement: Move social links to the footer; include Instagram
- Fix: Hide mobile donate button when project is closed
- Improvement: Remove social and about sections from project grid template
- Improvement: Minor general styling updates; minor mobile style updates
- Fix: Days left and other missing translation variables
- Improvement: Two new alignment layouts for the 500 Content Wide (custom) widget
- Improvement: Multiple updates to mobile design and layout
- Improvement: Migrate away from accessing postmeta directly and instead using class methods
- Improvement: Deprecate project type
- Improvement: Make settings menu modular via multiple hooks and filters that detect installed features and modules
- Improvement: Option to hide footer credits for Enterprise users
- Fix: Replace Facebook like with share
- Fix: Modify the_excerpt filter to prevent echo of shortcodes in header
- Fix: Powered by IgnitionDeck logo now loads via http or https
- Improvement: Let IDF handle enqueuing of Font Awesome
- Improvement: Multiple updates to improve Theme Check functionality
- Improvement: New project grid widget
- Improvement: Move language files to /languages_default so they won’t be overwritten when updating
- Fix: Only load share icons when not empty
- Improvement: Return trimmed version of post content when excerpt is empty. Default to this instead of manual excerpt() function used prior.
- Improvement: Remove isolated version of jQuery datepicker and instead rely on WP default version
- Improvement: Add before/after hooks for account menu items
- Improvement: Minor text updates and jQuery/CSS improvements
- Improvement: Update author name to IgnitionDeck
- Improve responsiveness of 500 content widgets
- Groundwork being laid for big changes coming to IgnitionDeck soon
- Use idf_handle_video to process video embed code or raw url via oembed
- Rounding percentage of progress to zero decimal points.
- Hide unsuccessful projects in archive and home project listings.
- Color customization updates for use with IDC
- Added hooks for above and below projects grids on archive and home
- Category title added to project summary
- Category title added to project details page
- Default styles separated from the main stylesheet for easy implementation in child theme.
- Category dropdown issue fixed for mobile
- Added search functionality for custom post projects.
- Added new hooks to use for project grid in child themes
- Fixed menu dropdown for IE
- Fixed Mobile menu
- Fixed feature project image alignment in hDeck
- Changed the social share template, it now uses ID social share
- Move social settings to ID Social in order to better segregate and isolate functionality
- Minor adjustment to the way we produce page meta titles to ensure title is not duplicated
- Remove check for global backer_list so that backer list displays
- Add taxonomy archive template for project type
- Tabs have been added to the project page in order to separate the description, comments, FAQ, Update, and Backer List
- Updated styling for default WP widgets so that they better integrate into the theme design and layout
- Fix spelling of ‘Project Ends’
- Remove erroneous function that overrode the grid shortcode
- Fix some bugs with display of percentage on summary template
- Only show FAQ & Update if not empty
- Only show comments if enabled
- Support for comments on project pages
- Fix issue with permalink structure causing broken links after selecting level in lightbox and on my account screen
- Fix some display (sizing, margins, etc) issues with project grid h3’s
- Account for default permalinks in lightbox popup and in navigation menu items
- Improve color customization in widgets
- Modify project CSS to be less rigid and more modular by adopting classes instead of id’s
- Fix multiple template bugs causing duplicate currency symbols, number format errors, or improper currency display
- Remove duplicate currency code from front-end templates
- Add fh_widget class to each 500 Content Widget to assist with styling
- Remove number formatting and other redundancies now that IDCF has a set of base filters to use for price and percentage display
- Update to Font Awesome 4.2
- Fix bug that caused widget media to load into background instead of its proper text input
- Transition IDCF image 1 to post thumbnail and update theme functions accordingly
- Transition from product_name to post title for IDCF projects
- Re-organize and re-prioritize admin settings menu options
- Add new ‘Blog Page’ setting for use with certain themes
- Add odd/even class to wide widgets for use with custom styling
- Update wide widgets to insure that height cannot be set to 0
- Fix home level loop bug that led to invalid template being loaded with missing project ID
- Fixed lightbox path causing lightbox to load improperly on certain servers
- Remove bug causing double ‘Read More’ on certain pages
- Fixed bug preventing upload of images after saving. Click handling events added to jQuery widget update trigger.
- CSS Fix: Remove line-height applied to Body, introduced in previous release.
- Add success class and styling to project grid
- Support for IDC pay what you want feature
- Use post title instead of project title where appropriate
- Add hook below projects for easy addition of content
- Add filter to home page grid option so that it can be removed programmatically
- Fix level 1 description bug
- Fix ‘Required IgnitionDeck’ message bug
- Sold out levels no longer clickable
- Fix issue causing broken checkout URL when project set to home and using IDF
- Move reset, widgets, comments, and responsive CSS to separate stylesheet
- Optimize theme customizer queries and CSS
- Add filter to archive and grid titles
- Fix issue causing broken purchase form link when project is set to home page and using IDF
- Fix for those not using latest version of IDCF
- Integrate with IgnitionDeck’s lightbox and level select capabilities
- Remove app.net from sharing options
- Add taxonomy template for project categories in grid format
- Add actions before and after level loops
- Apply filter to level link inside of the levels loop so that it can be easily modified by child themes
- Apply filter to customizations so that they can be overwritten or modified
- Add filter to header class so that it can be modified
- Add filter to 500 settings so that they can be modified by child themes and/or new menu items can be added easily
- Fix duplicate auto-play bug
- Update template variables to use IDCF classes and class methods so that we can deprecate 500 functions
- Fix usort bug on custom level orders
- Stop loading skin CSS on edit project page
- Fix Previous/Next pagination via wp query global
- Fix issue with background color not being set on 500 Content Wide
- Fix Color Customization bug regarding 500 Content Wide (custom)
- Migrate featured project feature from 500 Classic to 500 Framework
- New click to play feature that allows visitors to click featured image to play video. Will show play button as a cue to click
- New widgetized footer that will auto-adjust widget width based on the number of widgets loaded
- Remove stray navigation menu from 404, search, tag, and index templates
- Fix % raised calculation in featured project template
- Fix bug that was not allowing FAQ/Updates to display on home page
- Update home page query so that it pulls the proper post information when single project or project grid is set to home
- Fix level links when permalinks are set to default
- Fix some number formatting on project display
- Apply id_end_month filter to month outputs
- Switch home sharing links to Font Awesome icons
- Dequeue IgnitionDeck skins on front-end submission and registration form so that they can be styled by theme or custom CSS
- Updated pagination styling
- Update Login link to show Logout when user is logged in
- New custom CSS input in theme settings menu
- Complete overhaul of new home content widgets to add more flexibility and simplify options
- Fix Google Analytics syntax bug
- Fix about us HTML issues
- Minor CSS tweaks/updates
- Implement ID license requirements
- Levels no longer link when sold out or when project is closed
- Fix double ‘more projects’ bug
- Fix days left on project grid
- Remove unused featured image from project page
- Multiple style tweaks
- Fix nav-below placement
- Update to Font Awesome 3.0
- Update grid category to use new project_category taxonomy
- Add option to view all categories
- Responsive tweaks and improvements
- New home page and project page content widgets
- Fix division by zero error
- Fix fatal error from missing widget class
- Unlink levels on closed projects that have ended
- Add creator profile to front end project content display (IDE)
- Fix purchase URL bug
- Add color options to customizations screen
- Fix number format issue on percentage display
- Fix about us section HTML bug
- Fix bug resulting in bad or improper days left count
- Support for Google Analytics code snippet
- Additional support for IDE
- new hook for do_action(‘id_before_content_description’)
- Sticky footer fix
- Main image as default background for video field
- Minor style updates
- Add login/create account/my account to menu if MD/IDE is installed
- Updated translation files
- Update filters to support the KS Import Extension
- Fix bouncing of submenu
- Fix broken query on archive
- Remove auto paragraph spacing on purchase form
- Styling for Front End Submission
- Now able to set custom home page/blog post page via reading settings
- Support for custom level order
- Switch from TimbThumb to WP thumbnails
- Use https for auto-update
- Add project ID to social buttons for embed code
- Fix issue with empty logo overwriting text header
- Fix PWYW Purchase from when routed through level click
- Unify purchase form linking
- Minor style updates
- Apply filter to purchase form
- Fix project grid sorting bug on custom home page
- Remove grid sorting info from non-grid pages and templates
- Use proper summary on blog page
- New grid filtering by meta_key and category
- Updated purchase form styling
- Updated language files
- Prep for grid filtering
- Fix title on 404 page (was improperly linked)
- Apply filters (the_content) to 500 loop
- Update translation framework
- Adjust home page markup to replace unnecessary post ID request
- Remove edit post links
- Dequeue base IgnitionDeck stylesheets on purchase form
- CSS fix for mobile sized responsive width
- Remove deprecated Open Sans request
- Disable links to sold out levels
- Wrap all loop content (short descriptions, etc) with the_content filter
- Upgrade sidebar to properly link to purchase form. Includes hover effect
- Fix category template so it includes all post types
- Correct header link on category page
- Prevent short description from wrapping under content in header
- Support for automatic updates
- WooCommerce Support
- Minor semantic tweaks to code
- Fixed bug causing logo to wrap under body
- Replace screenshot with official screenshot
- Add level group wrapper to levels sidebar
- Fix missing div on bottom of home page causing content to wrap under header
- Fix unclosed h3 tag causing some display issues
- skipped
- Fix stray div
- Make sure text logo links properly
- Styling for strong and em tags
- Text replaced with translation ready strings
- Remove deprecated CSS file
- Add support for projects to category/tag templates
- Fix custom currencies bug
- Fix bug with some forms of permalinks
- Fix bug that kept featured project from archive listing
- Fix for home settings if Classic was enabled but later disabled
- Support for stretch goals
- Comments support on project pages
- Font Awesome included
- Minor bug fixes
- Minor bug fixes
- Adjust end date to only show if set
- Text updates
- Exclude featured project from home grid
- Minor bug fixes
- Update wrapper classes
- Featured project support
- Minor styling updates
- Initial release