Creating and Using Credits

Credits are an exciting feature of ID Commerce that let you implement bonuses, microtransactions, and more using your own on-site currency. Members can view their current credit balance from their dashboard and spend credits on select products. Here’s how it works:

  1. Assign a credit value to one or more products
  2. Allow users to purchase credits
  3. Users will be able to exchange credits for products on their dashboard

1. Assign a Credit Value to a Product

Underr IDC’s Product Settings, you’ll see a text box labelled “Credit Value”. This is the number of credits a user will have to spend in order to purchase it (0 to disable credit purchases). Just set it to any positive, non-zero number and click save.

2. Provide a Pathway to Purchase Credits

There are currently two ways to give users access to credits

Create a Credits Package
The most straightforward way to allowing your users to purchase credits is to create a credits package and attach it to a product for sale. On IDC’s main screen, you’ll see a box called Credit Settings:

To create a new credits package, enter the following information:

  • a name for the package
  • a price (this is strictly for internal reference)
  • the number of credits this package will grant to the purchaser

Select the product you wish to assign this credit package to and click “create”. From now on, any time a user purchases the associated product, they will automatically receive the number of credits specified in this package.

Please note: the actual price of a credit package will always be determined by the price of the product you have attached it to. The “Credit Price” field under Credit Settings is for the benefit of administrators to reference their intended pricing structure.

Manually Assign Credits to Members

It is possible to adjust the credits belonging to a member at any time via the Members screen

From here, you can click on the Credits cell for a specific user, and you will be presented with the following screen:

Enter the desired change in credit balance as either a positive or negative number and click Save. The Members screen will now reflect the new credit balance.

3. Notify Your Users

Now that you’ve setup your credit options, it’s time to let your users know how to buy and redeem them.

The credits system is completely flexible:

  • Sell credits on their own
  • Give free credits with the purchase of a product (as we do with IgnitionDeck)
  • Use credits as a bonus
  • Combine any of the above methods

Credits can only be redeemed via the IgnitionDeck Commerce dashboard, in which case you’ll see a new order entry added each time a user does so.

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