Upgrade Pathways

Once products have been created and prices set, product upgrade pathways can be created. Upgrade pathways permit a supporter to choose a higher level product and pay the difference in price between the new product and that of the previous product they purchased.

Create a New Pathway

  1. In IDC > Upgrades, create the name for the pathway.  
  2. Select all of the associated products that will be part of the pathway.  
  3. Click Save Pathways.

In the above example, a user that purchases the Ruby level can upgrade to Emerald, Sapphire, and/or Diamond and they will pay the difference in price between the two levels.

Editing Existing Pathways

  1. To edit any existing pathways, select the pathway name in the Edit Pathway drop down menu.  
  2. You can add or subtract products from the pathway.  
  3. Save your changes.

In the above example, the Ruby product was removed from the upgrade pathways resulting in the only upgradeable products being Emerald, Sapphire, and Diamond.

Delete Existing Pathways

  1. To delete a pathway completely, select the pathway name in the Edit Pathway drop down menu.  
  2. Click Delete Pathways.

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