Settlement—a 500 child theme

A theme designed for building a crowdfunding platform with IgnitionDeck. Integrates with the free Theme 500 eCommerce framework.

Before you Install the Settlement Theme

To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress, the IgnitionDeck 500 Framework parent theme, and the IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding plugin already installed, registered, and set up.


Download the Settlement Theme from your IgnitionDeck Dashboard.  There are two ways to install a WordPress theme:

WordPress Upload: Navigate to Appearance » Themes » Add New » Upload Theme. Click the Choose File button, select the fivehundred-settlement_[version].zip file from your computer and click the Install Now button.  Once the theme package has been uploaded, WordPress will prompt you to activate the theme.

FTP Upload: Unzip the fivehundred-settlement_[version].zip package. Using your FTP program, upload the resulting theme folder to your website’s /wp-content/themes/ directory.  Then log into your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Appearance » Themes and activate Settlement.

For more information on using WordPress themes, see’s Documentation.

Create Pages with Correct Page Templates

Set Your Homepage in Settings » Reading

Default Layout

To use the default home page layout which displays all projects automatically but still permits you to add your own header section and footer widgets.

  1. Navigate to Settings » Reading.  
  2. In the “Front page displays” section check the box for “Your Latest Posts”.  Your site will now use the default widgetized front-page

Customized Layout

To create a totally customized home page with your own content and layout, including multiple project grid sections or no project grids at all.

  1. Create a Home page under Pages » Add New. Set the page template as "Home Page".
  2. Optional: create a blog/news posts page and select "Blog Page" template for that page.
  3. Navigate to Settings » Reading. 
  4. In the “Front page displays” section check the box for “a static page.” For “Front page,” select the page “Home” (created in step 1). For “Posts page,” select “Blog.” (optional step 2)

Customize Your Hero-Image/Slider and Logo

Settlement by default uses the the site’s title and description as entered in Settings > General for homepage hero section. You can easily edit/replace it by going to Appearance > 500 settings.

Stellar’s homepage Hero Unit can be set from 500 settings section either by uploading a static image or using a Slider short code, we recommend ( Revolution Slider).

  • If using a slider, first create the slider image(s) and any buttons within the Slider plugin settings.  Copy the generated shortcode for the slider, select “Slider Shortcode” from the Home Feature Options menu, and enter the shortcode with brackets [ ].
    Note: the format for the Revolution Slider shortcode should be [ rev_slider slide-name ] and not the default format provided by the slider plugin [ rev_slider alias=”slide-name” ]
  • If using a Static Image, select it from the drop down menu and click on the Add Image button to upload the image you wish to use.  Recommended image size 1920 x 920 px.
  • You can use the Home Hero Section Widget to add one of the 500 Content widgets to this area instead.  Select this option and save your changes.  You can then go to the Appearance > Widgets > Home Hero Section Widget to complete this set up – We recommend using the 500 Content Wide (custom) widget.

For use with Static Images only, there is the option to display text over the image instead of the site’s default title and description. Text can be added in the “Add Header Text” field.


Stellar has two additional logo options that can be used instead of the default site title. There is an option for the home page and one for internal pages.  Maximum image size is 170px wide and 96px tall.  You can use a JPG, GIF, or PNG (supports transparency) image here.


Create Two Menus in Appearance > Menus and Assign to Menu Locations’s documentation.

Customize Your Stellar Crowdfunding Site

We’ve included a number of options in the Appearance > Customize panel of your WordPress installation that will allow you to make your Stellar site unique.

  • Colors: Here you can select colors for your Primary Color, Background Color, Text Color, and Container Background Color
  • IDC Account Links: This is where you can select which of your WordPress menus you’d like the IgnitionDeck Commerce Account links (Login/Logout, My Account, Create Project) to be automatically added to.  For more information on implementing IDC Account Links see IDC’s Documentation on Adding Member Account Links.

Home Hero Section Widget option

The Home Hero Section widget can be used to replace the Slider or Static Image (set in Appeance > 500 Settings > Home Feature Options) with more custom options. For best results use the 500 Content Wide Custom widget with a height of 630px.


Sections on Home Page’s Documentation on Widgets.


You can create a button by adding a class to any <a> link.   For the standard filled in button look, you can add class=”button”.  For the outlined/hollow button you can add class=”button border”.

Updating Settlement

To update Settlement, please see Updating 500 Child Themes.

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