Google eCommerce Tracking

Google eCommerce Tracking permits you to set up Google Analytics on your site to monitor transactions and page traffic.

Note: if you are using the 500 Framework parent or a 500 child theme, you should deactivate the tracking here and enable the module tracking instead due to the discontinuation of UA by Google. Please see Google's documentation on migrating from UA to GA4 tracking.

  1. Activate the Module in IgnitionDeck » Modules » Google eCommerce
  2. Log into your Google account and navigate to
  3. Sign in or sign up if you don’t have an Analytics account already
  4. Create the account and include the information about your site to generate the Tracking ID (Google Analytics 4 Property Code).
  5. Copy the generated Tracking ID.  The IgnitionDeck module automatically generates the Tracking script so this step can be skipped.
  6. Open the IgnitionDeck » Google eCommerce screen and enter your Google Analytics 4 Property Code including dashes
  7. Save your settings

For further information on how to use Google Analytics, please refer to the Google Analytics documentation.

Note: the Google eCommerce module currently only tracks Stripe transactions.  PayPal transactions are not tracked.

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