Multifondo Release Notes

Release notes specific to the Multifondo theme


  • Update WC templates to latest versions for compatibility
  • Changed files: style.css, and woocommerce/archive-product.php


  • (Fix) PHP notice that theme can't find provided header image file
  • Changed files: style.css and inc/default-customizer.php


  • (Fix) Header error on installation of dependancy plugins on new installations
  • Changed files: style.css and inc/tgm-plugin-activation/plugins/


  • (Fix) Fix parameters for social sharing hook to make it more flexible
  • Changed files: single-ignition_product.php, and style.css


  • Add ignitiondeck_share_public_project_page hook to enable social sharing on frontend project page
  • Update WC templates to latest versions for compatibility
  • Updated Boosted Elements Progression plugin to latest version
  • Changed files: single-ignition_product.php, style.css, woocommerce/content-product_cat.php, woocommerce/global/sidebar.php, woocommerce/product-searchform.php, woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php, and inc/tgm-plugin-activation/plugins/


  • Multifondo mega menu throwing error under PHP 8+ environments
  • Changed files: inc/mega-menu/mega-menu-framework.php, style.css


  • Fixed PHP 8+ issues in Elementor dependent TGM plugins
  • Version bump in Progression Element—Multifondo to 1.4
  • Changed files: inc/tgm-plugin-activation/plugins/, inc/tgm-plugin-activation/plugins/, inc/woocommerce-functions.php, readme.txt, and style.css


  • Fix error due to changes in Elementor typography classes
  • Version bump in Progression Element—Multifondo to 1.3
  • Changed files: inc/tgm-plugin-activation/plugins/ and style.css


  • Resolve issue with how headers are passed by latest WP update that broke the lightbox / checkout navigation
  • Changed files: single-ignition_product.php, style.css, and js/script.js


  • Resolve JS error preventing project tabs from opening
  • Changed files: style.css, /js/script.js


  • Resolves bug that tiled the page header background image into the navigation menu if it didn't have its own image or background colour set—only applies to internal pages


  • update WooCommerce templates
  • add video support to projects
  • add thumbnail variable
  • extend customizer to style header of internal pages
  • separate navigation top options from page title header for styling purposes
  • fix broken project category query for Elementor modules (Progression Elements—Multifondo plugin)

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