ID Social Release Notes

Release notes for the ID Social module

ID Social has been officially DEPRECATED as of January 2025. While the plugin has been updated in compatibility with the plugin reorganization, we recommend using social plugins that are specifically designed for that purpose.


  • (New) Consolidated all IgnitionDeck menu items under one central location
  • (Fix) PHP 8 compatability fixes and general bug fixes
  • Files changed: too many to list
  • ⚠️ For a helpful guide on how the plugin navigation has been reorganized, see Plugin Reorganization Guide


  • (Deletion) Remove outdated SDK bricking the login functionality. As there are more robust and specialized login plugins available that would better serve IgnitionDeck customers for this task the login has been removed entirely.

    Recommendations for an alternate social login plugin: WordPress Social Login by miniOrangeNextend Social Login, or similar)

  • Changed files: idsocial.php, idsocial-functions.php, inc/idsocial-facebook.php, js/facebook-min.js, js/facebook.js, js/idsocial-admin-min.js, js/idsocial-admin.js, js/idsocial-fb-min.js, js/idsocial-fb.js, templates/_fbLoginForm.php, and templates/admin/_settingsMenu.php


  • (Fix) Module blocking /dashboard/ load when the order reciept popup is displayed after the checkout is complete
  • Changed files: idsocial.php, and idsocial-functions.php


  • (Fix) Removing html tags and added fixed content length for social share preventing "page" content from loading correctly
  • Changed files: idsocial.php, idsocial-functions.php, and templates/_socialButtons.php


  • (Fix) Antivirus/Firewall utilities were blocking scripts for generating share links so replaced with links and images for more reliable sharing
  • (Fix) Infinite loop when sharing via the 500 Settings on posts and pages
  • Changed files: idsocial.php, idsocial-functions.php, css/style.css, and templates/_socialButtons.php
  • New files: images/share-fb.png, images/share-gp.png, images/share-ln.png, images/share-pt.png, and images/share-tw.png


  • (Fix) Convert all html tags to html entities to fix rare instance of a project description including an iframe resulting in p elements showing up in og:descriptions
  • Changed files: idsocial.php, and inc/idsocial-facebook.php


  • (Fix) Missing and misaligned social share buttons
  • Changed files: idsocial.php, inc/idsocial-facebook.php, templates/_socialButtons.php, css/style.css, and css/style-min.css


  • (Fix) jQuery compatibility issue (replace all attr with prop)
  • Changed files: idsocial.php, js/idsocial-admin.js, and js/idsocial-admin-min.js

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