The Project's progress does not match the funds received

On the rare occasion when a miscommunication occurs between the website and the payment processor, the progress of a project may not align with the actual amount collected through the payment gateways. To resolve this inconsistency and synchronize the records with those captured by ID Commerce, there is a troubleshooting feature accessible at Troubleshooting.
The IDC Troubleshooting interface is designed to function exclusively with orders placed through the ID Commerce platform. Any discrepancies in orders using WC will require manual handling.
For step by step instructions, see the Troubleshooting sync guide.
Notes about Troubleshooting
The sync function checks for discrepancies when the Troubleshooting page is opened/initiated. If there are no mismatches between Orders and Project » Progress, then the Fix & Sync IDCF Orders button will be unavailable and the following message will appear (red arrow):
No discrepancies found The sync process will not alter transactions that are:
- pre-orders and have the PRE status (i.e. uncaptured pre-authorization charges),
- manual orders added to Project » Progress that have no corresponding Orders, and
- on projects with the CLOSED status to prevent loss of any after project fund matching or offline "top-ups"
- orders placed using WooCommerce
IMPORTANT!!! The sync process can not be reversed once initiated.
It is recommended that a database backup be in place in case a reversal is required.
It is also recommended that listed orders that will be synced are manually checked between Orders and Project » Progress to confirm that there is a legitimate error (i.e. the order wasn't manually adjusted to accomodate a supporter "topping up" their pledge offline) before running the sync.
- The sync process will not change the pledged amounts that have been authorized by payment processors. The only value that will change are those reported on the front end of the project as recorded in Project » Progress.