
June 2024 Deprecation Notice

The legacy Stripe payment gateway located in IDC > Gateways is being deprecated in favour of our Stripe Checkout module, and will be removed from the plugin entirely by Q4 of 2024.

If you are a new IgnitionDeck plugin user, please activate the Stripe Checkout module instead to take advantage of modern features such as mobile payments, Stripe Connect, and more. Please see Stripe Checkout documentation.

If you are using the legacy verson of the Stripe payment gateway, please see Migrating from (legacy) Stripe to Stripe checkout

Stripe allows IgnitionDeck owners to process credit cards on their site. To read more about the capabilities of the different payment gateway options in ID Commerce (IDC), please see our documentation page called Choosing Payment Gateways.

You may not see this option if a) you have not validated your license key in the IgnitionDeck » Settings menu or b) another credit card payment gateway is enabled.

NOTE: A Stripe account is required to use this payment gateway. Sign up for an account here:

IMPORTANT: If you require Secure Customer Authentication, are located in Europe, or wish to provide additional payment options via Stripe, please enable the Stripe Checkout through the IgnitionDeck » Modules instead of the Stripe integration in IDC » Gateways.

For more information on the Stripe Checkout, please see the Modules | Stripe Checkout documentation.

Setting up Stripe

To accept payments with your Stripe account:

  1. Log into your Stripe account.
  2. In your Stripe account, click the Developer link at the top right of the page:

  3. Click on the API Keys in the menu

  4. Locate the Publishable and Secret keys under Standard Keys:

  5. Copy and paste your keys into the correct fields in your IDC » Gateways. Test keys are used for testing the payment gateway using test credit card numbers. Live keys are used for production ready transactions.

    Left: IDC » Stripe Checkout settings, Right: IDC » Gateways Stripe settings
  6. Check Enable Stripe and save your payment gateway settings.

Subscriptions / Recurring Payments

If using the Subscription / Recurring funding type, a webhook will need to be setup in Stripe to handle these transaction types.  This is ONLY required for subscription / recurring payments.

You can set up both the test and live webhooks during the setup process and the correct webhook will be used depending on the mode used on the website.

  1. In your Stripe account, go to the Developer » Webhooks tab under the Test Mode.

  2. Under Hosted Endpoints, click the + Add Endpoint.
  3. Set the Endpoint URL formatted as:

  4. Optionally, add a description of the webhook purpose.
  5. Set the webhook to Listen to: Events on your account

    Webhook event listener choice
  6. Select which events the webhook should listen for.

    Webhook events

    You can choose to listen for all events by clicking the check box:

    Choose all events

    Or filter the results with the keyword "subscription" and manually select all associated events:

    Filter and only choose subscription events
  7. Once you have created your webhook endpoint(s), click the Add Endpoint button.

    Save the webhook
  8. Toggle the Stripe dashboard to Live mode. Under the Webhooks tab, the ability to create a new webhook will be prompt along with the option to import test endpoints. Click the Import test endpoints button to seamlessly import the Test mode webhook into the Live mode.

    Import the test endpoints into live mode

    Important note: make sure that your test environment is running the same HTTPS protocol as your live environment, otherwise the webhooks will not work without editing the Endpoint URL.

  9. You may now exit the Stripe account.

With IgnitionDeck Enterprise and Stripe, you have the option of enabling the payment gateway for creators using Stripe Connect. Enable this option and complete the set up of the payment gateway for creators. See documentation for Stripe Connect .

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