Choose A Commerce Platform

Once you have the IgnitionDeck Framework and its dependencies (IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding and IgnitionDeck Commerce) activated, choosing the appropriate commerce platform is the next step. If you are not sure what commerce platform is best for you, please read the section below titled:  Choosing a Commerce Platform for IgnitionDeck.

Setting a Commerce Platform

  1. Navigate to the IgnitionDeck » Dashboard » Upgrade panel

    A selection option for the commerce platform of the site will be displayed:

    • The Free edition of the plugin will automatically use ID Commerce and will not display a selection
    • The paid versionsof the plugin can use either WooCommerce* or ID Commerce. ID Commerce must be used for front end creator functionality

* WooCommerce plugin must be installed and activated for it to be available as a commerce platform option

Choosing a Commerce Platform for IgnitionDeck

The following is a list of the commerce platforms you can use with the IgnitionDeck Framework and some information to help you decide which choice is best for you.

NOTE: Not every commerce platform is available to to every IgnitionDeck customer. The commerce platform(s) available to different versions of IgnitionDeck are as follows:

Plugin version Commerce Platform
IgnitionDeck free IgnitionDeck Commerce
IgnitionDeck Core/Deployed/Managed IgnitionDeck Commerce or WooCommerce

IgnitionDeck (Free) + ID Commerce

With the free version of IgnitionDeck, project contributors have accounts created for them when they support a project for the first time. This allows project contributors to log into their Member Dashboard and view their contributions.

For site owners, ID Commerce provides PayPal Standard and offline payments are available as the payment gateways.

IgnitionDeck (Paid) + ID Commerce

With a paid license for IgnitionDeck (formerly Enterprise), the ID Commerce platform provides the project contributor with a user account where they can easily manage or renew their contributions and access their contributor rewards, such as downloads, restricted content, etc.  

ID Commerce seamlessly integrates with popular payment gateways such as PayPal and/or credit card processors (i.e. Stripe,, or First Data), mobile payments (i.e. ApplePay, GPay), and cryptocurrencies.

Projects can take pre-orders, immediate payments, or a funding threshold can be set (depending on support by the chosen payment gateway).  

ID Commerce also integrates with MailChimp, AffiliateWP, Google eCommerce, MixPanel Analytics, and Shareasale for reliable and professional communication with project contributors, tracking, and promotion.

IgnitionDeck (Paid) + WooCommerce

If a site owner is setting up a crowdfunding site for their own projects, but already has e-commerce functionality built on WooCommerce and they wish to make their contributor rewards work using their existing WooCommerce store, this setting is available.

Contributions that earn rewards will result in WooCommerce purchases.

NOTE: IgnitionDeck and WooCommerce is not intended for crowdfunding platforms with non-admin project creators, since the front-end project submissions and creator payment account connections must be handled by ID Commerce.

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